
Florida Condo Construction Lawyers

With the increasing number of hurricanes causing damage to condominiums, homeowners’ associations, and co-op associations, and everyday repair, maintenance, and alterations, many associations are falling prey to insufficient construction contracts and/or unlicensed contractors regarding work in common areas.

At the law firm of Glazer & Sachs, P.A. our lawyers are dedicated to helping condominium, homeowners’ associations, and co-ops throughout Florida deal with construction issues from drafting and reviewing contracts through, if necessary, litigation. We can help you and your association to avoid the pitfalls of construction and poorly written contracts.

Our skilled Florida condo construction attorneys have reviewed countless construction contracts over the years and have a passion for protecting our clients against unscrupulous contractors and one-sided contracts.

With the increasing number of hurricanes affecting common areas of associations and increased balcony restoration, painting and other construction-related projects throughout Florida, associations should be cognizant of crucial terms to include within any construction contract, and make any necessary revisions in an addendum. By ensuring that your association is protected through its attorney, your association will reduce the likelihood of unpleasant surprises in the event that disputes arise with contractors.

Contact a Florida Condo Construction and Post-Hurricane Repair Attorney

Contact an experienced Florida construction attorney at Glazer & Sachs, P.A. today and put your construction worries and questions to rest.