Florida Condo Association Amendment Lawyers
Assistance with Homeowners Assocation Bylaws and Amendments to Association Documents
In regard to association Documents, it is imperative to have a lawyer experienced in condominium and homeowners’ association law review the Declaration of Condominium or Restrictions, the By-laws, the Articles of Incorporation and the Rules and Regulations to determine whether any need to be properly amended.
Glazer & Sachs, P.A. will aid your association’s Board of Directors with interpreting the Association’s documents and in assuring that the Board’s actions are in compliance with their powers as outlined in the Association’s By-laws and other relevant provisions of the Association’s documents.
During our review of the Association Documents, we frequently instruct Board members that despite their desire to pass a certain “rule” with only a vote by the Board, the “rule” would actually require an amendment to the Declaration and a super majority vote of the unit owners.
Our Florida condo association amendment attorneys can advise your Board of Directors on how to enforce the provisions of Association documents through the arbitration process or the courts. In addition we can also defend your Association in arbitration or litigation matters, while continuously keeping the Board up to date as to all steps in the process and decisions of the Arbitrator or Judge.
Often times, associations need to be guided through the complicated process of arranging the documents for the Association vote on proposed Amendments, making sure all statutory provisions are followed, including:
- Timely mailing of proper notice
- Preparation of the proposed Amendment and ballots
- Remitting the amendment to the local county recorder so that the amendments are valid and enforceable
Contact a Florida Homeowners Association Bylaw Attorney
If your association’s Board of Directors is concerned about the validity of the association’s documents, and whether or not amendments are required, contact an experienced Florida association attorney at Glazer & Sachs, P.A. today to discuss your situation.