Florida Condo Dispute Resolution Lawyers
Even though your association may be located on a little piece of Florida paradise, that doesn’t mean that everything will be peaches and cream 100% of the time. Disputes often erupt that involve homeowners, association board members, and other parties.
At Glazer and Associates, P.A. our lawyers and support staff deal with these issues on a daily basis for condominium associations and homeowners’ associations statewide. For over 15 years we have been dedicated to helping Florida condominium associations and homeowners’ associations manage their legal affairs and resolve disputes in a smart, efficient manner.
Florida law mandates that in Homeowner Associations, certain disputes be mediated prior to being litigated. In addition, Florida law mandates that in condominium associations certain disputes originate in arbitration prior to being litigated.
In any event, the condo association arbitration and mediation attorneys at Glazer and Associates, P.A. are well versed in arbitration and mediation proceedings, having arbitrated and/or mediated hundreds of disputes involving community associations throughout South Florida.
In addition, Eric M. Glazer has been certified as a County and Circuit Court mediator by the Florida Supreme Court since 2007. Richard A. Sachs has been similarly certified since 2002.
Contact a Florida Condo Association Arbitration and Mediation Attorney
Contact us online or call our law offices in Hollywood or Orlando to speak to a homeowners association dispute lawyer.